Presencia Perle and…Crochet Hooks?!

We love finding new ways to use crafting tools, techniques, and materials outside of their original, intended use. When the folx at Colonial Needle Company asked us to check out Presencia thread and do a project, we immediately went to embroidery since that is what we have always had a supply of Presencia around for. To be specific, we have a supply of Presencia Perle #5 and #3 on hand because we like to use it for general embroidery, but also for mending projects where we need a beautifully chunky thread to really pop off the surface of our fabric. So, yeah, we could have done some sashiko or boro or some freeform embroidery. We considered that. We also considered using it as part of a floral embroidery piece we are doing on a pair of jeans a la your auntie who hung out at Woodstock. We could have done any or all of those things because that is exactly what we have Presencia’s Perle thread for. But, as we said, we love finding new ways to use materials that are a bit outside of their original intent.

Soooo…Out came the crochet hooks!

Now, this isn’t the first time we have made crochet pieces using sewing and embroidery threads and we have patterns for skirts and tops using crochet threads. We just knew the Presencia Perle #3 weight thread was going to work beautifully for crochet. And the fact that it comes in those cute little balls/spools and sets of color combos (the sets we have are the Crayon Sampler, Scarlet Sampler, and Yuletide Sampler) makes them prime for some delicious little projects with crochet motifs. With that in mind, we set to swatching.

First were granny squares which turned out FAB and got us thinking about a larger project using a set of samplers in the future…stay tuned for that. Then we did some round motifs and DING! A light went on: earrings!

Virtually any crochet motif made in thread can be made into earrings. One more test motif and that was it; our Boho Crochet Earrings were born. And we didn’t even have to break out the steel crochet hooks! We actually used a C–2.75mm hook from a standard crochet hook set and, once it was blocked into shape, the finished motif held up beautifully. Yes, Shannon tested them out by wearing them the rest of the day…they are so good!

The Presencia Perle #3 weight thread is very different from working with yarn because the twist of the 2-ply thread creates ridges along the finished surface of the thread. This gives it that sheen with light and shadow reflecting off the surface of the thread but it also means that the thread has some grip to it when it is used in crochet. The stitches almost lock into place when stitched into crochet stitches and blocking further locks the stitches in place. This means projects like these earrings need only a good steam blocking with no starch. The finished earrings have a gorgeous texture to them and are ready to wear immediately after finishing.

Ready to make your own?

Grab your favorite color of Presencia Perle #3 thread, a C–2.75mm crochet hook, and our pattern which can be found below. The pattern includes the instructions for making the earrings as well as the stitch chart and all of the special stitches, techniques, and finishing instructions. Stitch, block, attach your earring findings and you’re ready to wear!

Just be warned: get used to saying “Thanks! I made them!” a lot.

Have fun! And be sure to share your makes with us on Instagram and tag Colonial Needle Company(@colonialneedleco) and us, Shannon and Jason (@embracethecreativechaos) so we can see your creations.


When Disaster Strikes: Repairing A Thread Break

We’ve all been through it: You have a favorite quilt, it’s been with you through thick and thin, more like a cozy confidante than a mere blanket. But suddenly, disaster strikes! A quilting line breaks, literally threatening the very fabric of your cozy companion. Now, you could take it to a professional, but is that really necessary? It’s like sending your best friend to therapy when all they need is a one-on-one chat over coffee. Hand sewing quilt repairs is like giving your quilt a little spa day—it’s personal, it’s intimate, and let’s face it, you get to bond with your quilt on a whole new level, whispering sweet nothings to it as you stitch, ensuring that it’ll keep you warm and cozy for many more slumber sessions and rainy afternoons to come. So, grab a needle and thread, and let the healing stitches begin!

Quilting lines break… regardless of what thread you use or the tension you stitch with, sometimes it just happens. And when it does happen, it’s a simple process to repair that line and keep the damage to a minimum. We re-check our quilts for thread breaks before cleaning or before putting them up for the season and make quick mends before they become bigger problems.

For this video, we were repairing a random quilting thread break from one of the quilts from our new book Scrappy Wonky Quilt Block Extravaganza before it shipped out for a trunk show.

How To Repair A Thread Break

Our Video Tutorial can be found here.

Tools Needed:

  1. Thread pick or tweezers (for taking control of those unruly threads)
  2. Sewing machine (for the fast and furious fix)
  3. Matching colored thread (of course we’ll keep it stylish)
  4. Needle threader (for those tiny eye-of-the-needle challenges)
  5. Good hand sewing needles (because not all needles are created equal, dah-lings!)
    – We use the John James Signature Collection Between, size 11. If you like Sharps better they will work great here too.

For quilts where one line of stitching has broken (i.e. the bobbin thread broke on the back as shown in our video) the steps are simple and straightforward as long as you take it one step at a time. First things first, let’s tie off the existing ends of the thread.

Now, onto the grand performance of quilt surgery!

1.Untangle Any Mess: On the backside of your quilt, delicately unpick the rebellious thread in both directions. We need enough thread to secure the line, tie a knot, and tuck it away discreetly—about 4–5 inches should do the trick.

2. Making the Cut: Cut the remaining thread on the top side of your fabric, again you need at least 4–5 inches, more if you can manage it… pull this through to the back. Thread both the top and bottom threads through your needle (needle threader to the rescue here) and finish the stitch on the backside, stitching through the back fabric alone.

3. The Disappearing Trick: Tie a knot roughly 1/4” from that last stitch. Then, like a skilled magician, make that knot disappear by inserting your needle into the fabric coming out an inch or two away from the insertion point and gently tug the end until the until the knot vanishes into the fabric. Snip off any excess thread and repeat the process for the other side. TA-DAA!

4. Time for Round Two: Now, let’s sew that quilting line back! Using a thread that matches the existing one, re-sew the quilt line, making sure to start and stop about 1 stitch length away from the original start/stop points. Leave plenty of thread for finishing touches and tying off—doing this last stitch by hand means your quilt fix will be invisible… even to your MIL or that one member of your guild who loves to point out everyone’s mistakes.

Bonus Tip: We always keep track of the fabric type and brand, the batting type and brand, and the thread brand, type, and color number. This allows us to make fixes later if necessary. It is not a bad idea to add a label to your quilts with this information on it… because who can remember where they put that notebook anyway? Which Dropbox folder was it in?

Label your quilts folx!

5. The Finishing Flourish: Finish the last stitch on the top by hand, then pull through to the back ensuring it cozies up next to the bobbin thread. Thread both top and bobbin threads through the needle, then tie them off with a knot or make a series of small backstitches next to the existing quilt line (it’s in the video), whichever tickles your quilting fancy.

6. The Grand Finale: Bury those thread tails like buried treasure, with or without a knot, and repeat the process for the other side. And just like that, your quilt is ready to snuggle into its rightful place—be it on your bed, on your favorite reading chair, or safely tucked away until its next grand adventure!

While you have that John James Signature Collection needle out, now would be a good time to add that quilt label we mentioned… just saying…

And there you have it, folx! Quilt repair made easy-peasy. Give this a shot with your next thread break and you’ll feel like a thread whisperer extraordinaire!

Shannon & Jason

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