Hand Painted Frames

Custom Hand-Painted Frames

KCA39-18 - Country Moonrise

KCA39-18 – Country Moonrise with Custom Painted Frame

Heirloom Designs helps create beautiful custom frames for your needlepoint canvases

Our friends at Heirloom Designs shared these fantastic painted frames, custom made for two of Kelly Clark’s pieces. We love how well the frames compliment the canvases – it’s hard to tell where the canvas ends and the frame starts.

And the best part? They’re self-finishing which means no more sending canvases out to be framed.  It doesn’t get much better than that!

Canvases are available for purchase through your LNS.

And to order a custom frame for your favorite needlepoint canvas, contact Heirloom Designs

KCA26-18 - Sheep-Crow Sampler

KCA26-18 – Sheep-Crow Sampler with Custom Painted Frame

Bonnie Rose Baby Bonnet

Welcoming a New Bundle of Joy this Summer?

You’re in luck!

•Presencia Fincrochet Cotton, size 60, 1 ball of White for the Bonnie Rose Baby Bonnet to Crochet by Laura Ricketts Credit: Photograph by Joe Coca from the May/June 2016 issue of Interweave’s PieceWork magazine. Copyright © F+W Media 2016

Credit: Photograph by Joe Coca from the May/June 2016 issue of Interweave’s PieceWork magazine. Copyright © F+W Media 2016

PieceWork Magazine’s May/June 2016 issue includs a pattern for this adorable baby bonnet by Laura Ricketts. The pattern features our very own Presencia Fincrochet Cotton, size 60, in white and can be found at http://www.needleworktraditions.com/

The Presencia Fincrochet Cotton can be purchased at your favorite specialty store or direct through our website http://colonialneedle.com


New Lee’s Silk Bags with Canvas Inserts

Silk Bags are a hit with employees and customers alike

We love the way our new Lee’s silk bags look with a finished canvas!  The monogram was stitched by a CNC team member who couldn’t resist and the Lotus was stitched by Michelle Hufford. These bags are the perfect size for make-up, travel stitching bags, toiletries, etc. and can be ordered through your LNS.

BAG70G with canvas BJ01-B

BAG70G with canvas BJ01-B

BAG70G with canvas BJ42

BAG70G with canvas BJ42