New Lee’s Silk Bags with Canvas Inserts

Silk Bags are a hit with employees and customers alike

We love the way our new Lee’s silk bags look with a finished canvas!  The monogram was stitched by a CNC team member who couldn’t resist and the Lotus was stitched by Michelle Hufford. These bags are the perfect size for make-up, travel stitching bags, toiletries, etc. and can be ordered through your LNS.

BAG70G with canvas BJ01-B

BAG70G with canvas BJ01-B

BAG70G with canvas BJ42

BAG70G with canvas BJ42

Lee’s Self-Finishing Leather Bags & Needlepoint Canvas

Check Out this Self-Finishing Leather Bag with Stitched Needlepoint Canvas

Sue Wallerstein sent us these great pictures of her beautifully completed Lee’s Self-Finishing leather bag. She used the BAG36 leather bag and the BG26 needlepoint canvas for this project. Sue adjusted a few of the canvas colors to make it her own which we love! Looks great, Sue! Enjoy toting this beauty around town!

Sue Wallerstein

Sue Wallerstein_2

BAG36 with canvas BG25